Above all this mark shall represent an added value. Let me explain that from two different point of views.
- As a potential helper I can see at first sight which problem has been solved and which not. This applies especially to the situation where I'm browsing the list of Active Topics. I don't necessarily need to read the concerned topics but can go directly to those which are open. This spares me time.
- As somebody who seeks help I can see at first sight which problems that are might related to my own are already solved. Furthermore I can search specifically for useful content. The Advanced Forum Search offers the option to show only topics that match my search query. This overview also displays the marks.
Marking a problem as solved is a common practice in many other forums. So it is only taken from those other boards.
gmedina wrote:[…] as I understand it, the idea behind the "green checkmark" is that a "solved" thread will only be used as reference for future related questions; however, the thread remains open, causing confusion, as someone else can post a new question (related to the original one) in that thread, which makes the "solved mark" totally useless and meaningfulness. […]
This principle relies on the discipline of the board members. Unfortunately many of them don't read the rules before posting so they aren't aware of the fact that hijacking a solved topic is not wanted. On the other hand hijacking occurs not too often because they don't use the search function.
gmedina wrote:[…] If the idea behind this "solved mark" is to announce that the current question has been answered, then the thread should be closed, and I don't think that's the point of a forum (that would make sense in some other answer-question sites). […]
Closing every topic by a moderator would make much more work. And I'm not aware of any other forum that's handling this situation in this way. This would mean that moderators have to look into every topic, which would be very time consuming. We had situations here where I assumed that a problem was solved but the OP negated this although everything indicated this. As mentioned above this relies on the board member in a similar way.
gmedina wrote:[…] So, I suggest two options: 1) If a thread has been marked as solved, then the Administrators should close it. (I wouldn't support this option) 2) Eliminate the requirement to green-mark a question as solved.
I'm afraid I can't support both. I hope to have explained why this applies to the second option.
Generally I would like to see a forum software which offers a »Status« option. But the used software doesn't offer it in our case. Our partner site »goLaTeX« has such an option. But the process would be the same and it would also rely on the discipline and attitude of the board members. And this is what I wish for the future: more discipline and cooperation from the majority of the board members. And to get some order into this forum depends on that. The community is only as good as its members.