GeneralError: automatic jump to error line in source code

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Error: automatic jump to error line in source code

Post by totalnewbi »

Dear forum,

I have a problem debugging my source code. When I scroll the list of errors and warnings after compiling and I click on some warnings I am not directly referred to the line in the source code. This works fine for any errors and also most warnings. I have not found any systematic for which warnings it works and for which not.

I am using several separate files and \include{} them into one master file. Could that be the reason? Do I have to use \input{}? Do I need any particular packages? Do I have to configure Texniccenter in a special way?

Browsing the forum I have only found other people reporting such problems but no one with a solution. What would be a good point to start looking for a solution?


I am using Tecxniccenter 1 Beta 7.50 and Miktex 2.8.

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Error: automatic jump to error line in source code

Post by localghost »

totalnewbi wrote:[…] I am using several separate files and \include{} them into one master file. Could that be the reason? Do I have to use \input{}? Do I need any particular packages? Do I have to configure Texniccenter in a special way? […]
That can be the reason and using the other command won't help. TXC1 is known to have difficulties in this regard. And there are no alternative settings.
totalnewbi wrote:[…] I am using Tecxniccenter 1 Beta 7.50 and Miktex 2.8.
At least use TXC1 RC1 or try TXC2 alpha 3 (Build 1118). The alpha version might not have this problem. Although it's already pretty stable, it probably causes other problems.

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Error: automatic jump to error line in source code

Post by vaman »

Code: Select all


	This is my answer.
	to get the final answer. Save input file by removing begin and end document end documentclass in the same folder.

ask1 contains just a line I am asking this question
ask2 contains a line whether I should use include or input all are saved as .tex
I tried to include them but that fails. Please do not put them as include files. Open all those files and remove above three preambles and save them as some other name as tex files. I hope it will work for you.
Last edited by cgnieder on Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: added code markup
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