Math & Scienceblackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

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blackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

Post by Turkurz »


I would like to create a different looking braces (.,.) and [.,.], by making them blackboard, to denote intervals in the real number system, so that they look different from the usual ordered pair (.,.).

I have tried using \mathbb, but it doesn't work. Then I tried the option using the bbm package (suggested in ... f=5&t=1289), but I get only the normal braces. Same with using the bbold package, and I also get only the normal braces.

Any suggestions?

P.S. I know it can be done, because I have seen it here: (the file
It would be highly preferrable that the solution is in vector graphics.

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blackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

Post by localghost »

Turkurz wrote:[…] I know it can be done, because I have seen it here: (the file
It would be highly preferrable that the solution is in vector graphics.
Take a look at the source (*.tex) file. You can find it under »Location on CTAN« on the page you linked.

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Re: blackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

Post by Turkurz »

Hmm, I have loaded the .tex sourcefile and tried to compile it, but failed. It is a very strange document. It doesn't even have a preamble or \begin{document}...\end{document}. How is this supposed to be compiled?
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blackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

Post by localghost »

It's a plain TeX document. You could compile it on the command line.

Code: Select all

pdftex blackboard.tex
But this will not be necessary. Take a look at the bbm or bbold package.
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blackboard braces (.,.) and [.,.] and letter i

Post by Turkurz »

I have searched the bbold documentation and tried this:

Code: Select all



    $\mathbb{()}$, $\mathbb{[]}$\\
    \textbb{()}, \textbb{[]}\\
    \bbfamily () []
The first option doesn't seem to change the braces. The other two don't make vector graphics, but something ugly and fractured.

Any suggestions?
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