I think I must be blind ... Thanks

I had the same problem with my texniccenter. After some tests I believe that the problem was texniccenter+ghostscript. The newer version 1 beta 7.50 gives support to GPL ghostscript while the version 1 beta 7.01 only gives support to AFPL ghostscript.sveioen wrote:Hello all,
I'm having trouble making the LaTeX => PS => PDF output profile. When I start TeXnicCenter for the first time, the wizard comes up. I browse to the latex executables and all that. I also add the path to my ghostview 8.56 executables and press OK. Still, I only get the 3 profiles; LaTeX => PDF, PS and DVI. I would like to have LaTeX => PS => PDF as well. How can I do this?
Thank you!
Code: Select all
\usepackage{graphicx} %%graphics and normal LaTeX [dvips]
%\usepackage[hang,tight,raggedright]{subfigure} %%Subfigures inside a figure
%% Other Packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\pagestyle{empty} %No headings for the first pages.
\vspace{4.cm} \hspace{-17.5mm} \special{psfile=image.ps voffset=0 hoffset=0 hscale=34 vscale=34 angle=0}
\tableofcontents %Table of contents
\cleardoublepage %The first chapter should start on an odd page.
\pagestyle{plain} %Now display headings: headings / fancy / ...
Just go to the section "Upload attachment" when writing a post. It's not that difficult as you might think. Perhaps you have to rename the log file because not all suffixes are accepted.jambon wrote:[...] I don't know how to join a file so I paste the code here [...]
the same thing for ecxb2488, ecxb1095 and ecxb2074Index style file personal.ist not found.
Usage: C:\Program Files\MiKTex 2.7\miktex\bin\makeindex.exe [-ilqrcgLT] [-s sty] [-o ind] [-t log] [-p num] [idx0 idx1 ...]
Trying to make PK font ecbx1440 at 8000DPI
makepk: Specified BDPI (8000) doesn't match ljfour resolution (600)
but fontenc was the problem of my pdf generation (only pictures)\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
source (french forum) at http://linuxfr.org/~_alex/11216.html\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
If I comment the 3 lines, the pdf is generated without text and if i uncomment at least 1 of them (doesn't matter which one), it is ok for me.\usepackage{times}