Theses, Books, Title pagesProblem with \thesistitle in Masters/Doctoral Thesis template

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Problem with \thesistitle in Masters/Doctoral Thesis template

Post by ibanjo »

Johannes_B wrote:I have never seen this before. It seems to be something your editor is giving you, it is not a LaYeX error.

Can you show a minimal working example that reproduces this message along with a screenshot?
Doing further research, it was indeed a LaTeX error occurring when JPEG images (or in my case PDFs including JPEGs) were used, but a recent MiKTeX update fixed it. I advise anyone using MiKTeX, therefore, to run MiKTeX update as soon as possible. Still, the error seems not to affect the final result at all.

More details about the bug can be found here:

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Problem with \thesistitle in Masters/Doctoral Thesis template

Post by Machupicchu »

Good morning.

I have the same problem: missing number ...

Like 2-3 weeks ago no problem: I compiled my entire master's thesis (100+ pages) with this (damned) template. Now I need to do modifications before publication and I get this error ! (In the meantime I reinstalled my computer and Latex (miktex), however I cannot understand why that could suddenly produce an error that was not there before !?!

could someone explain that ? (I don't understand the other posts about this question)