New Membershi from Sarasota, Florida

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hi from Sarasota, Florida

Post by Meta002 »

I have completed R&D on my second book, and am now moving into book design. Unfortunately, I've been away from book design long enough to have forgotten everything that I learned the first time around. :(

On the positive side, I have the marked-up text from book #1, which can be used as a template for book #2. On the negative side, book #2 will be 50% art and 50% technical analysis, unlike book #1, which was 100% technical. So, the extent to which I'll be able to re-use book #1 markup for book #2 is uncertain.

In any case, this community was useful the last time around (for moral support as well as technical assistance). I anticipate the same experience this time around, too. Hopefully I'll be able to make a useful contribution from time-to-time as well. 8-)

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス