Generalmargin sizes

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Re: margin sizes

Post by dimarcom »

Hi again,

Below is the preamble of my document, with a few of the options i tried to change the margins (one is new since my last post: margin={.1\paperwidth}, i joined a new image).

I'm happy with header, footer, textheight, all vertical stuff.

I'm unhappy with the margins: i'd like to make the textwidth 0.5 or 1cm larger than default, but whatever i try does not respect the assymetry of a twoside book.

Hope you can help...

\textheight 23.5cm
\textwidth 16cm
%\oddsidemargin -0.5cm
%\evensidemargin -1cm
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Posts: 26
Joined: Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:03 am

Re: margin sizes

Post by dimarcom »

The command suggested by gmedina:


actually did exactly what i needed. It didn't work before because i had other conflicting commands, like \textheight 3.5cm for example.

i thought i'd mention it.

thanks for all the help, it's super useful !

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