Document Classeschapter headings without the word "chapter"

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chapter headings without the word "chapter"

Post by daleif »

dimarcom wrote:Thanks all for your answers !
It's very useful.

I use the "manual" trick of JuanJo for now, and it works fine, thanks !

As for the Koma/memoir packages: is there one better than the other ? i work on TeXnic Center on Windows.

Thanks again, have a nice day !
it is a matter of taste. KOMA has its advantages and memoir has its own.

In memoir you problem could be simply by using


perhaps modifying it a bit to a . if needed

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chapter headings without the word "chapter"

Post by phi »

dimarcom wrote:As for the Koma/memoir packages: is there one better than the other ?
The best class is the one that suits your needs best. Memoir offers much greater flexibility than the KOMA classes and is more monolithic, whereas the KOMA classes follow the LaTeX approach with several distinct packages that can be quite freely combined. What is better depends on your needs. My reasoning is as follows: Typography is not a way to make documents look good (this is an arbitrary and unscientific condition), but to make them as readable for the audience as possible. To be able to do that, one needs a lot of knowledge and experience. As Till Tantau puts it, "The only mistakes in typography are things done in ignorance." So memoir lets me change everything, but unless I know exactly what I'm doing, I should refrain from changing things just because I think it looks nicer. So what I need is a document class that doesn't have to offer the amount of flexibility that memoir offers, but nevertheless should be configurable to some extent, and, more importantly, should provide reasonable default settings apt for European typography traditions. And I think that KOMA-Script is an acceptable choice for me. But those are my requirements, yours can be totally different.
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chapter headings without the word "chapter"

Post by Narjess »

i'm in the opposite case , i wonna get

Chapter 1. title

instead of

1. title

how can i do that ?
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Stefan Kottwitz
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chapter headings without the word "chapter"

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Narjess,

what document class are you using?

And in general, please open a new topic for a new question. There's space for a million topics. ;-) It's just that your question doesn't match the title chapter headings without the word "chapter".

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chapter headings without the word "chapter"

Post by Johannes_B »

You already asked the very same question and you have been told that this is the default and have been asked if you made any changes.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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