Math & Scienceeqnarray + lines of text?

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eqnarray + lines of text?

Post by lb5962 »

hey sorry to write something completely slightly irrelevent but I can't find out how to start a new thread (can anyone send me a link?).

Ok my problem is about aligning also...

Basically I want to be able to allign certain things up: I want the equation:

Code: Select all

\alpha:X\times G\rightarrow X
to be aligned directly above

Code: Select all

(x,g)\mapsto (x,g)\alpha=x\bullet g
with the

Code: Select all

arrow DIRECTLY above the

Code: Select all


Can anyone help me?

Thanks ;)

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eqnarray + lines of text?

Post by gmedina »


you can use the align (or align*) environment provided by the amsmath package, as the following example suggests:

Code: Select all



  \alpha:X\times G &\rightarrow X\\
  (x,g) &\mapsto (x,g)\alpha=x\bullet g

Basic documentation on typesetting math can be found here:
amsmath user guide
Mathmode document

Regarding the new topic issue, once you enter a subforum, you will find right below its name a "new topic" button. Pressing that button you can create a new thread.
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