Text FormattingUsing geometry package, but where do I modify page-numbering

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Using geometry package, but where do I modify page-numbering

Post by latexforever »

localghost wrote:Excuse me, but it seems that you haven't learned from my previous replies.
  • You can't use geometry the way you do!
  • The standard article class doesn't accept font sizes different from 10pt to 12pt!
  • You have to abandon the lscape stuff completely!
This issue is solved from my point of view now.
I had acknowledged from your previous replies (except for the 16pt I had forgotten), but it now displays an output as I want it to be displayed: isn't it in fine what is wanted? I have no error at document's building (even if it is here a subjective criterium). Anyway, you helped me and I could not have made it without your help.
localghost wrote:Regarding the missing characters you may have to install the cm-super font family or use the lmodern package.
Thanks. It worked.

The problem is solved.

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