allevo wrote:[...] but what is the parameter that i pass to \fontfamily?!? [...]
This parameter is an abbreviation which identifies the font definitely.
allevo wrote:[...] where can i find a list containing all parameters?!?!? [...]
I'm not aware of a comprehensive list. But you can take a look at the package files themselves. The packages do in principal nothing else than you can see in my sample code below. They redefine the default settings to make a whole document appear in the chosen font. For more information you can take a look at the
PSNFSS or start a search engine and search for the "LaTeX Font Selection Scheme" or "NFSS".
allevo wrote:[...] at pg 9 of the pdf linked there're a list. is it complete?!?!
I only see a single page in this document. But of course the list is complete.
Code: Select all
\newcommand*{\berarm}[1]{\usefont{T1}{fve}{m}{n}#1\normalfont} % Bera Roman
\newcommand*{\berasf}[1]{\usefont{T1}{fvs}{m}{n}#1\normalfont} % Bera Sans
\newcommand*{\beratt}[1]{\usefont{T1}{fvm}{m}{n}#1\normalfont} % Bera Mono
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
\berarm{The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.}
\berasf{The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.}
\beratt{The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.}
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Compare the parameters with those you can find in the
bera font sample document. Note that
bera needs to be installed for this example because the new commands need access to the font definition files. In LaTeX you cannot specify a font like you want to. Perhaps
XeTeX is worth a look.