Document Classesabc music package (again)

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Re: abc music package (again)

Post by LaTeXitty »

Thank you again, for your persistence localghost.
The compilation report is only showing the persistent shell-escape error, but the output PDF still shows only placeholder boxes. I am completely :?: at a loss to resolve this (not that I was the brightest bulb on the tree to begin with! :oops: )

I hope the attached files might help in continuing diagnosis...

I have also requested help from the specialist abc usergroup. I can't believe this package is so difficult to get working with a Windows system :o or that nobody has managed to solve the problems and document the solution.
compiler log file
(9.2 KiB) Downloaded 312 times
out-abc PS file generated by the package, but not included ?
(21.48 KiB) Downloaded 328 times
final PDF output
(16.13 KiB) Downloaded 364 times
WindowsME / MikTeX 2.7 / TeXnic Center 1.0
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abc music package (again)

Post by phi »

The logfile lines like

Code: Select all

system(abcm2ps -O= -c )...disabled.
come from the compiler (the abc package doesn't output them). This means that the shell escape feature is still disabled.
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Re: abc music package (again)

Post by LaTeXitty »

Thanks Phi, that's one of the things I am struggling to understand:
the compiler is telling me shell-escape is disabled
the abc package is telling me to disable shell-escape
WindowsME / MikTeX 2.7 / TeXnic Center 1.0
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abc music package (again)

Post by phi »

The log file message is a bit misleading.

Code: Select all

Package abc Warning: You have set the `shellescape' option, but you ran
(abc)                (pdf)latex without the `-shell-escape' command line
(abc)                option. Fix it either with the `noshellescape' option
(abc)                in your document or the correct call of (pdf)latex.
This doesn't mean that you should disable shell escaping, but rather that it isn't enabled at the moment and that you should either tell the package this fact or enable shell escaping to make it work.
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abc music package (again)

Post by localghost »

As phi already stated, there is one more step to get things work. You have to enable the compiler to execute external programs. Have a look at the picture in the attachment. You have to add the switch --enable-write18 to the command line arguments for the compiler (mouse cursor).
"LaTeX" tab of the build profile "LaTeX => PDF".
"LaTeX" tab of the build profile "LaTeX => PDF".
profilePDF.png (18.76 KiB) Viewed 8574 times
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Re: abc music package (again)

Post by LaTeXitty »

I have checked, and rechecked that the --enable-write18 switch is included in the options passed to the interpreter.

Thank you both, localghost and Phi. I have been in communication with Chris Walshaw, originator of the abc notation system, and Professor Gregorio, author of the abc package for LaTeX and I think perhaps, TeXnic Center is getting in my way. If I am to achieve the goals I am aiming for I will have to learn to compile documents from the console interface.
Once again I would like to express my sincere gratitude for you patience in trying to help me. While I doubt very much that there is anything I can do to recompense you for your help, I am open to suggestions.

Thank you

M :cry:
WindowsME / MikTeX 2.7 / TeXnic Center 1.0
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abc music package (again)

Post by localghost »

LaTeXitty wrote:[...] I have been in communication with Chris Walshaw, originator of the abc notation system, and Professor Gregorio, author of the abc package for LaTeX and I think perhaps, TeXnic Center is getting in my way. If I am to achieve the goals I am aiming for I will have to learn to compile documents from the console interface. [...]
Everything you do on the command prompt to get the final result can be integrated into a build profile for TeXnicCenter (TXC). So, if you manage to get a document compiled successfully, list the single steps (compiler calls, scripts, ...) here like a protocol of the whole compilation process. Attach a minimal working example (MWE) that you compiled successfully so we can test it. Probably it then will possible to create a build profile for TXC. That's why I like TXC (when running Windows). It offers this unique mechanism of build profiles to do everything necessary with only hitting a single key.
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abc music package (again)

Post by LaTeXitty »

localghost wrote:

Code: Select all

thorsten@localghost:~> ps2eps --help
ps2eps - convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files
(C)opyright 1998-2006 Roland Bless

Version: 1.61
 Without any argument, ps2eps reads from standard input
 and writes to standard output.
 If filenames are given as arguments they are processed
 one by one and output files are written to filenames
 with extension '.eps'. If input filenames have the extension
 '.ps' or '.prn', this extension is replaced with '.eps'.
 In all other cases '.eps' is appended to the input filename.
 Please note that PostScript files for input should contain
 only one single page.

 If BoundingBox in output seems to be wrong, please try options --size or --ignoreBB.
ps2eps Windows console output
ps2eps Windows console output
ps2eps help output.jpg (19 KiB) Viewed 8537 times
Comparing the output from your installation of ps2eps, something is clearly not right with my installation, ps2eps appears to be reading from standard input?.

The path to the Perl binary is:
To is:
C:\Program Files\MikTeX 2.7\scripts\
Windows executable search path is:
C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Roxio Shared\9.0\DLLShared\;C:\strawberry\c\bin;C:\strawberry\perl\bin;C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.63\bin;
WindowsME / MikTeX 2.7 / TeXnic Center 1.0
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Re: abc music package (again)

Post by localghost »

Remember that my output was given on a Linux machine where the script is already part of TeX Live 2008. At the moment it seems that making it work on a Windows system demands some more steps than only placing the script in the right path. I will see how to do this and report back. But there is to do some reading, which can become very time consuming.
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Re: abc music package (again)

Post by LaTeXitty »

Can you point me to any resources that might help me to solve the ps2eps problem?


WindowsME / MikTeX 2.7 / TeXnic Center 1.0
You're right, David. That's exactly what I have. - All the time in the world!... ever since we were all together five days ago, the last day of Eighteen Hundred Ninety Nine.
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