I'm actually surprised your last code works

Okay, emotional response over.

Thank you for that paper. IT'S AWESOME. Contains a lot more than I want on what I might call "word processing" but there are a number of surprising little tidbits even in there. I did a quick skim and it looks like this is going to be one of the more valuable resources I've got right now. I had thought the if then thing would be an easy to learn thing: apparently there's a lot more going on in the background than I had imagined. And all that time spent on explaining macros... Again, thank you!!
Okay, based on what I've read I have to do a solid once over on the code. It also looks like I might be able to compartmentalize some of the code to "subrountine it up" (as I call it. I have no idea what a more modern terminology for that might be.) I'll have to get the thing working correctly first, then investigate that. Ultimately, my goal here (beyond the overall goal to get down the if then coding) is to create a library-esque command that will take a point and produce quadrant, distance to origin, reference angle, and angle information all in one little command to help out with debugging a diagram. (I just tried to reproduce a mosaic I found tikz.net and I had to go through all sorts of fits and conniptions. It would just make like easier to have a single command line that will give everything, rather than write several lines of code over and over to get different pieces of information.)
I now have a base understanding of "extendable." I'll read that section more carefully and see what I can do with it.
Thanks again!