BibTeX, biblatex and biberBibliography does not work anymore

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

I fixed the comma.
Thank you.

Most of the issues are problems with new lines and new page.
I don't get it and Latex says "treated as zero"...


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I'm sure everything can be solved. Just post exact error messages and the piece of code that causes the error. You may also attach the .log file here. The "Attachments" link is below the text edit field, when writing a post.

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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

So... here is most of the error log.

First some that I find to not be relevant(?):
Capture4.PNG (26.4 KiB) Viewed 2933 times
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Then some yellow ones of which several speaks of bibliography:
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

They have some comments on spelling which I will go through - but it also mentions "please run biber".
I just don't get the run biber stuff:
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I open Overleaf - I write - I compile...
That's my superpower... Yours is properly cooler : )
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

I usually use \ref{} or \label{} and leave them open when I know I will have the reference/picture/label/equation later and I just need to write on at the moment.
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

Here is almost the full bibliography.
Some are in use others are not.
I saved them to keep the original formatting of the guide I used.
Capture12.PNG (38.93 KiB) Viewed 2932 times
Again - thank you
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by Johannes_B »

Please show us how you insert an image.

Please never use a double backslash to end a line or skip a line.

Never use a comma to list author names, do not include titles like Dr. In the bibliography. Please have a look at

Overleaf will run biber for you, i guess biber chokes on errors in your bib file.

You have a one sided document and instruct package fancyhdr to style twosided headers. That is pointless and the package informs you about it.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Indeed, since Overleaf and ShareLaTeX run on the Internet, you don't need the command line or a terminal. It is a Overleaf/ShareLaTeX setting. Here's a ShareLaTeX link, moved to Overleaf when they acquired ShareLaTeX: Bibliography management with bibtex

Anyway, you need to find the setting in Overleaf/ShareLaTeX. However, it may still be possible, that it's done automatically as it should. It may just be prevented by the other errors so it doesn't come to the bibtex run.

Yes, check the errors, one by one. Just tackle the first one and try again, then the next one. That's because several errors can be caused just by the first one, as a consequence.

Check Theory.tex, line 86. What is the code before that line? Can you show it? Never use \\ to end lines except in tabular, array, or multiline math environments.

In Frontpage.tex, what is your \includegraphics command? Please show that line. Options are like key=value. So the ,left cannot work.

Shall the document be oneside or twoside?

After you fixed the errors a above, let us know what changed, and tell us further upcoming errors or warnings.

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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

I got it down to 51 errors now.
When using XeLaTeX

Inserting photos I use:
Capture13.PNG (8.33 KiB) Viewed 2929 times
I will look through the others again.
I can't seem to understand all the places it states an error.
E.g. when I use \newpage it states it is wrong
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I keep looking through your comments and get back.
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Bibliography does not work anymore

Post by s140504 »

This is line 86 in theory.tex:
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Lol. I am sorry. I just iherited some different documents and I tried mixing them while getting it to work properly.
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