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Information and discussion about specific document classes and how to create your own document classes.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Posts: 10290
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm


Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

The .log error shows the cause of a problem more clearly.

So can you please post the .log file? Now we already asked you 5 times to see the .log file. That's complicated. :)

That's a file in your document directory, with the same name as your document, but with the file name extension .log, such as mythesis.log. It's not a screenshot of the editor.

Shamson wrote:I dont know why to develop such a complex system like LATEX !!! .Thousand errors are indicating to only one line which is "\begin{document}" If there is an error, it must indicate to the exact lines!!! and not to somewhere in the air!!!
If developers want to make the things comlex, then just make it for yourself and not for the people!!!
looks like screaming and crying and bursting into tears. (That's a common perception of text in bold and bunches of exclamation marks.) In that case LaTeX may be too hard indeed and you may consider to use something easier instead, such as Microsoft Paint.

Or you take it easy and relaxed and just answer a query you get in response, and provide some additional information such as the .log file.

Stefan admin

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Posts: 10290
Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm


Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Thanks, this user is writing to us in bold capital letters and triple exclamation marks, but is too sensitive to understand that this is considered as impolite and screaming... I banned his account because he started deleting posts.

Stefan admin
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