Text FormattingAlignment

Information and discussion about LaTeX's general text formatting features (e.g. bold, italic, enumerations, ...)
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Post by Johannes_B »

I don't know how to put the line in there with package titlesec. But my spies have informed me, that putting a line between the chapter number and title will be easily possible with the next version of the template. So a bit of patience is needed here.

To get the title in the header to the right side, use the following block. This only works for oneside documents.

Code: Select all

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Post by vinaykumarn »

Dear Stefan Kottwitz,

Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions... It works well. In addition to this, I made some modifications to bring the header caption to the rightside (regarding this you have given me some hint in your previous post).

But, still I have couple of queries need to be solved. The queries are:
1. I need to remove "chapter 1" (chapter J in general) prefix to 'chapter title' in header section and the same is marked in screenshot attached with this post.
2. I need to remove page numbers present in every first page of the chapters.

Please do the needful and oblige.
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Post by Johannes_B »

Please post a minimal working example along with the version of the template you are using. How to create a minimal working example?

The header issue has been addressed i my previous post and it should work for the current version of the template.
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Post by vinaykumarn »

Dear Stefan Kottwitz,

Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions... It works well. In addition to this, I made some modifications to bring the header caption to the rightside (regarding this you have given me some hint in your previous post).

But, still I have couple of queries need to be solved. The queries are:
1. I need to remove "chapter 1" (chapter J in general) prefix to 'chapter title' in header section and the same is marked in screenshot attached with this post.
2. I need to remove page numbers present in every first page of the chapters.

Please do the needful and oblige.
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Post by Johannes_B »

Code: Select all

I'm very confident, that only a part of that will work.
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Post by vinaykumarn »


\tableofcontents % Prints the main table of contents

\listoffigures % Prints the list of figures

\listoftables % Prints the list of tables

Regarding the above code snippet, how and where to customize the contents and spacing of contents, list of figures, and list of tables.
Please oblige and reply.

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Post by Johannes_B »

Vinay, you need to be more verbose. We need to see a minimal working example.

What i gave you above deals with the layout of chapters and the running headers. It has nothing to do with lists in general.

What do you need to know about them? Is this about alignment at all? Maybe you should open a new topic.

The attached code gives the attached pdf file.
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Vinay!

As Johannes said, it's hard to guess what you need at this point.
vinaykumarn wrote:how and where to customize the contents and spacing of contents, list of figures, and list of tables.
That's very general. Can you be more specific about what is needed, and what you already have? (Infominimal working example)

We like to help, we just need enough information. You can post a complete document as attachment, if you like.

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