GeneralRandom Number Generator for Worksheets?

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Random Number Generator for Worksheets?

Post by rais »

LaTexLearner wrote: Doesn't {random(0,10)} already create a random value?
yes, well, pseudo-random.

If you were to use a fixed number for this seed, e.g., \pgfmathsetseed{1}, you'd get a seemingly random result.
On a second run, you would get the same result, because the number generation follows certain rules---AFAICS the term is `linear congruency generator', but I didn't look too closely into that.

With a randomized seed as in Stefan's code, two consecutive LaTeX runs should generate different results (unless the seed was randomly set to the same value for both runs).

OTOH, you might get sufficient results using the default value for this seed, which is \time x \year (i.e., commenting out the \pgfmathsetseed line).


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