Community talkShould I Use LaTeX or MS Word?

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Should I Use LaTeX or MS Word?

Post by Johannes_B »

I am a bit confused, how to enter formula is sgown in any tutorial.
Also, a lot of forum posts show that on user examples.
Can you be more specific about your needs?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.

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Should I Use LaTeX or MS Word?

Post by PaulSutton »

When I first started with LaTeX, I actually started with LyX which is a really nice front end, that takes most of the complexity for beginners and hides it away. You can still create a custom preamble.

I then started to used TeX Studio before finally finding Overleaf, which for me the main plus is that it is in the cloud, so I can login and edit from anywhere.

What may be useful for beginners is the Overleaf rich text mode which you just type the content and it worries about the LaTeX in the background, if you do need something specific you can switch between the LaTeX editor and RTF editor with tabs.

Overleaf also has lots of templates for papers, articles, cover letters, resumes, and much more and will allow you to submit documents to journals etc.

Hope this helps, LaTeX appears complex to begin with, but with a few cheat sheets, forums and a good book (Lamport LaTeX A document processing system) I have learnt lots on my own.

Goalkicker ( I am not associated with them) seemed to have compiled some books based on what is on stackexchange

Which could be useful.

Good Luck and feel free to ask here if you need help.


Paul Sutton
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