Fonts & Character SetsSpecial Characters in Name of Input File

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Special Characters in Name of Input File

Post by localghost »

Faergen wrote:[…] Having more .tex files just means more code, not less. I'm looking for a way only to include text and the little code I need to typeset and cite in each section, in each of the .txt files. Not to rewrite all the packages again. […]
What makes you think so? It goes without saying that you can put plain text also into *.tex files. The suffix doesn't determine that you have to put code into the file. And you can create those files also with TeXworks and save them with the correct encoding.

Fact is that the file is not encoded in Unicode. That's all I can say. I don't know what you do at your machine so I can't tell you what you have done wrong. So my contributions end here.
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Re: Special Characters in Name of Input File

Post by Faergen »

As I responded in my last post, putting plain text in a .tex file does not help the issue, since there is No dialogue popping up, to allow me to change the encoding when I save it. I have looked all over for it.

I don't do anything other than write a .txt or a .tex, put it in a folder, write \input{text.txt or text.tex} and want it to work.

Can you provide me with specifics as to where I might find that dialogue?
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