It is wonderful to see people posting code here! Thank you very much for your code and beautiful figure, CrazyHorse!
However, I have to add -shell-escape, otherwise your code does not work at all for pdfLatex.
Moreover, even adding that, the code still does not work in my computer. I paste your entire code on TeXworks 0.4.0 r759, then execute it, pdf file can not be generated, and the following errors come out:
Code: Select all
Package auto-pst-pdf Warning:
Creation of test-pics.pdf failed.
This warning occured on input line 124.
Code: Select all
Package auto-pst-pdf Warning:
Could not create test-pics.pdf. Auxiliary files not deleted.
This warning occured on input line 124.
Code: Select all
Package pst-pdf Warning: pspicture No. 1 undefined.
Code: Select all
Package pst-pdf Warning: File `test-pics.pdf' not found.
(pst-pdf) Use the following commands to create it:
(pst-pdf) ----------------------------------------------------
(pst-pdf) latex test.tex
(pst-pdf) dvips -o test.dvi
(pst-pdf) ps2pdf
(pst-pdf) ----------------------------------------------------