I'm trying to test the UC Thesis class. When I compile the file uctest.tex, the following output appears in my log:
Command Line: pdflatex.exe --interaction=errorstopmode --synctex=-1 "uctest.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\texlive\2016\texmf-dist\tex\latex\ucthesis
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.17 (TeX Live 2016/W32TeX) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
! I can't write on file `uctest.log'.
(Press Enter to retry, or Control-Z to exit; default file extension is `.log')
Please type another transcript file name:
I don't understand what is causing this error. If it helps, I'm runing TeXLive in the WinEdt environment.
Thanks in advance.
Theses, Books, Title pages ⇒ Trying to Compile UC Thesis
- Stefan Kottwitz
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Trying to Compile UC Thesis
Hi Ethan,
welcome to the forum!
My first thought would be, that the output directory or pdflatex startup directory is changed to one that it cannot write to. But here it seems to be ok.
I guess the .log file is locked because it's used by a stuck compiler process. Look if there's a compiler session open with it, close it, maybe reboot the computer, or delete the .log file.
welcome to the forum!
My first thought would be, that the output directory or pdflatex startup directory is changed to one that it cannot write to. But here it seems to be ok.
I guess the .log file is locked because it's used by a stuck compiler process. Look if there's a compiler session open with it, close it, maybe reboot the computer, or delete the .log file.
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