I need to make some sort of moving shape with chapter number inside which will be moving with scrolling pages on twosided document.
Something like this:
Which package can provide me some help to implement this or it is even possible to do this?
Page Layout ⇒ Moving box with chapter number on margin
- Stefan Kottwitz
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Moving box with chapter number on margin
LaTeX.org admin
Moving box with chapter number on margin
Thanks, it should work but I need more help to adjust some things.
I'm using phd report class and I had to use scrpage2 instead fancyhdr.
This is result: http://i.imgur.com/vB4upJm.jpg
Box is static, does not move with scrolling pages, it shows only 0 in TOC and 1 on every odd page, does not change to 2nd chapter and it is in wrong place on the left from page number. I marked where I want it to be.
I'm using phd report class and I had to use scrpage2 instead fancyhdr.
This is result: http://i.imgur.com/vB4upJm.jpg
Box is static, does not move with scrolling pages, it shows only 0 in TOC and 1 on every odd page, does not change to 2nd chapter and it is in wrong place on the left from page number. I marked where I want it to be.
Code: Select all
\makeindex[program=makeindex,columns=2,intoc=true,options={-s indeks-styl.ist}]
% Chapter thumbs with scrpage2
% Safty first
\chapter must be defined to use chapter thumbs!}{%
% Two new commands for the width and height of the boxes with the
% chapter number at the thumbs (use of commands instead of lengths
% for sparing registers)
% Two new commands for the colors of the box background and the
% chapter numbers of the thumbs
% New command to set a chapter thumb. I'm using a group at this
% command, because I'm changing the temporary dimension \@tempdima
% calculate the horizontal possition of the right paper border
% (I ignore \hoffset, because I interprete \hoffset moves the page
% at the paper e.g. if you are using cropmarks)
\setlength{\@tempdima}{\@oddheadshift}% (internal from scrpage2)
% putting the thumbs should not change the horizontal
% possition
% move to the calculated horizontal possition
% putting the thumbs should not change the vertical
% possition
\vbox to 0pt{%
% calculate the vertical possition of the thumbs (I ignore
% \voffset for the same reasons told above)
\multiply\@tempdima by\value{chapter}%
% move to the calculated vertical possition
% put the thumbs left so the current horizontal possition
% and rotate them
% avoid overfull \vbox messages
% New command, which works like \lohead but also puts the thumbs (you
% cannot use \ihead with this definition but you may change this, if
% you use more internal scrpage2 commands)
% initial use
% End of chapter thumbs with scrpage2
Moving box with chapter number on margin
I come up with other solution but it also needs to be modified.
It looks like https://i.imgur.com/Fbtxy2W.jpg
The problem is that chapter thumb does not increment down the page as dictated by the chapters and I want it to be placed where I marked.
It looks like https://i.imgur.com/Fbtxy2W.jpg
The problem is that chapter thumb does not increment down the page as dictated by the chapters and I want it to be placed where I marked.
Code: Select all
\makeindex[program=makeindex,columns=2,intoc=true,options={-s indeks-styl.ist}]
% auxiliary counter
% the list of colors to be used (add more if needed)
%\ifcase\thechapshift blue!30\or red!30\or olive!30\or magenta!30\else yellow!30\fi}
% redefinition of \chaptermark to contain only the title
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\node[fill=\BoxColor,inner sep=0pt,rectangle,text width=1cm,
text height=4cm,align=center,anchor=north east]
at ($ (current page.north east) + (-0cm,-2*\thechapshift cm) $)
\usepackage{etoolbox,fancyhdr} % Required for header and footer configuration
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries \ #1}}{}} % Chapter text font settings
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{{\sffamily\normalsize\thesection\hspace{5pt}#1}}{}} % Section text font settings
\fancyhf{} \fancyhead[LE,RO]{\sffamily\normalsize\thepage} % Font setting for the page number in the header
\fancyhead[LO]{\rightmark\ChapterBox} % Print the nearest section name on the left side of odd pages
\fancyhead[RE]{\leftmark\ChapterBox} % Print the current chapter name on the right side of even pages
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{.5pt} % Width of the rule under the header
\addtolength{\headheight}{2.5pt} % Increase the spacing around the header slightly
\headrulecolor{blue!70}% Set header rule colour to 70% red.
\fancypagestyle{plain}{\fancyhead{}\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}} % Style for when a plain pagestyle is specified
\fancyhf{}% Clear header/footer
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% No header rule
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}% No footer rule
% Removes the header from odd empty pages at the end of chapters
\usepackage{xcolor} % Required for specifying colors by name
\newcommand\chapnumfont{% font specification for the number
\newcommand\chapnamefont{% font specification for the name "PART"
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
(current page.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-13cm]current page.north east);
text width=2\paperwidth,
rounded corners=6cm,
text depth=18cm,
inner sep=0pt] at (current page.north east) (chaptop)
anchor=south east,
inner sep=0pt,
outer sep=0pt] (chapnum) at ([xshift=-20pt]chaptop.south)
inner sep=0pt] (chapname) at ([yshift=2pt]chapnum.south)
%{\chapnamefont PROBLEM};
anchor=north east,
inner xsep=0pt] at ([yshift=-0.5cm]chapname.east|-chapnum.south)
{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
(current page.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-13cm]current page.north east);
text width=2\paperwidth,
rounded corners=6cm,
text depth=18cm,
inner sep=0pt] at (current page.north east) (chaptop)
anchor=south east,minimum width=2in,
inner sep=0pt,
outer sep=0pt] (chapnum) at ([xshift=-20pt]chaptop.south)
inner sep=0pt] (chapname) at ([yshift=2pt]chapnum.south)
anchor=north east,
inner xsep=0pt] at ([yshift=-0.5cm]chapname.east|-chapnum.south)