Page Layouttexpos TPMargin = 0

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texpos TPMargin = 0

Post by oaox »

Some observetions when putting a fbox inside a TPbox:

When setting TPMargin = 0 I get an about 2.4mm margin between the top of the fbox and the TPbox.

With TPMargin=0 and block reference point [0,1] (lower left corner) the positioning is fine with the showboxes option enabled, but shifts about 15mm down without the showboxes option.

Still with TPMargin=0 and now the reference point [0,0] (upper left corner) the vertical shift caused by turning showboxes on and off is about 2.4mm,corresponding to the extra margin mentioned above.

These problems disappear when I set the TPMargin to some small value, like 0.001mm.

Good to know.

\setmainfont{Lucida Bright OT}
\setsansfont{Lucida Sans OT}
\setmonofont{Lucida Sans Typewriter OT}


% #1: height, #2: width,#3 text,#4 hpos, #5 vpos




% parbox: width, height, text, TPbox: x, y, width

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Stefan Kottwitz
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texpos TPMargin = 0

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Welcome to the forum!

Interesting. Setting it to zero has no effect at all, since only positive values are taken. From textpos.sty:

Code: Select all

  \ifdim\TP@margin < 0pt
      {\protect\TPMargin\space must have a positive argument}
      {\protect\TPMargin\space must have a positive argument}
I looked at the code and did not yet find a reason, why there's this skip when \TP@absmargin=0. I will take another look later. It seems to be a bug.

Stefan admin
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