I have not formal background in coding - I have self taught myself a little to do statistics and graphs in R - I enjoyed learning that but it did take me a while and I can only study part-time. On top of that I have a 10 month old daughter who is a major attention seeker so my part-time is very part-time!
I will need to be able to create journal articles - I know that LaTeX can create great bibliographies - but can I cite while I write - as I can with EndNote in a word document? I do not want to have to do something too involved every time I insert a citation.
Also as previously mentioned I use R for graphs. I may also need to include a few pictures etc Can I insert these easily?
Also as I am in the field of Plant Biology - not a physics or computing background I am unsure as to whether or not using LaTeX will be suitable for what I will be asked to do.
Here is an example of some instructions to authors from one prospective journal (Functional Plant Biology)- no LaTeX template currently exists for this journal that I know of:
Preparation of manuscript for submission
Format your manuscript with 1.5-line spacing throughout, using Times New Roman 12 font. Word for Windows is preferred, but most packages (e.g. other versions of Word or WordPerfect) are acceptable. If you have none of these, please submit an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
But then ....
Include all tables and embedded figures at the end of the main document, and submit the whole as a single MSWord, RTF or PDF file. Word and RTF files will be converted to PDF before sending for review.
So considering it doesn't seem to be standard in my field - should I take the time to learn to use LaTeX now - or not bother?
Thank You for your time and I appreciate your honest responses