I am writing to you regarding the thesis template MastersDoctoralThesis. Unfortunately, my school (KTH) wants the placement of the numbers to be in the bottom of the page, I tried to do it but failed could you please help me?
The first thing I tried to do was to put the \pagemark in the \ofoot in the above code but it did not work, I did the following:
Code: Select all
\ihead{\headmark}% Inner header
\ohead*{}% Outer header
\ifoot{}% Inner footer
\ofoot*{\pagemark}% Outer footer
Code: Select all
\ihead{\headmark}% Inner header
\ohead[\pagemark]{\pagemark}% Outer header
\ifoot{}% Inner footer
\ofoot{}% Outer footer
\PreventPackageFromLoading[\ClassError{\classname}{Package `fancyhdr' is
incompatible\MessageBreak with this class}{The pagesyles are defined
using package `scrlayer-scrpage', please consult the\MessageBreak
KOMA-script documentation for details.}]{fancyhdr}
\NewDocumentCommand{\blankpagestyle}{ m }{%
\ClassWarning{\classname}{\string\blankpagestyle\space is
obsolete,\MessageBreak use \string\setblankpagestyle \space instead}\DeclareDocumentCommand{\blank@p@gestyle}{}{#1}
\NewDocumentCommand{\setblankpagestyle}{ m }{\DeclareDocumentCommand{\blank@p@gestyle}{}{#1}}
\DeclareDocumentCommand\cleardoublepage{}{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
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