Fonts & Character SetsExtending Computer Modern numerical digits

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Extending Computer Modern numerical digits

Post by jrowellfx »

Hey folks,

I have a project I've been wanting to do - and as I've recently became a huge LaTeX fan (it's clearly the ONLY way to write papers with any kind of math in them - it beats ALL other choices hands down) - I'm thinking this is the perfect tool to do it with.

I have designs for single-character digits that I'd like to implement as symbols somehow, so that they would stylistically fit with "Computer Modern" - the idea is that these digits extend the digits 0 through 9 to cover the integers 10 through 20 (for a base-21 system) in the way that we use A-F for hex.

Anyway, the point is, I want to write a fun paper, with times-tables etc. using these new digits. I want them to look natural, and to fit with Computer modern.

It seems like I need tools something like what-ever the fine folks that make the "fontawesome" package use (maybe that's too sophisticated) ... but I'm currently out of my depth of how to actually make a scale-able symbol/font. It might also be nice to have the source for the actual Computer-Modern digits 0-9 so that I could use the data to extend the traditional numeric symbols into my new symbols.

Is this possible? I'm comfortable using a wide range of graphics packages, that's not my hangup - it's how to get the ball rolling and in what direction.

Anyway, I've been googling for approaches but not hitting gold yet, thought I throw it open to the floor here.

Thanks in advance!

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Extending Computer Modern numerical digits

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi James,

welcome to the forum!

Though it's just for some digits, it sounds like a challenging task to me! The source code of the Computer Modern fonts is available here on CTAN: cm-mf. It is written in MetaFont.

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Extending Computer Modern numerical digits

Post by jrowellfx »

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