GeneralHow we can have chapters without numbers

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How we can have chapters without numbers

Post by juan21 »

Good morning, how do I number the chapters of a document? I am doing a thesis in LaTeX, I know that you can use the command \include, the question is this: the thesis consists of three chapters and an introduction. I use the \include command in the introduction and LaTeX registers it as chapter 1, how do I remove that?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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How we can have chapters without numbers

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Juan!

Use \chapter*{Introduction} if you don't want to have that one as a numbered chapter (and not in the table of contents. Use \chapter{Your heading} for your numbered chapters.

If you use a KOMA-Script document class (I strongly recommend that) then you can use \addchap*{Introduction} to have it unnumbered, but listed in the table of contents.

Stefan admin
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