Graphics, Figures & TablesTable "headlines"

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Table "headlines"

Post by niklasskold »

Hey all!

So I am trying to make a table in Latex for categorizing different types of something (in my example I have debt). But I want to have 4 "headlines" and I currently can only make 2. I will post a sample for clarity. Basically I want the line under the "private debts" to be equally long as for the above ones.

Code: Select all

\hfil\bfseries Short-term public debt
\hfil\bfseries Long-term public debt

%% PROS, seperated by empty line or \par

\item Commercial paper


\underline{\textbf{Short-term private debt}}
\item Commercial bank loans
\item Trade credit
\item Nånting

%% CONS, seperated by empty line or \par

\item Public bonds and notes
\underline{\textbf{Long-term private debt}}
\item Commercial bank loans
\item Private bonds and notes
\caption{Pros and cons of an IPO}
TABLE.png (26.75 KiB) Viewed 2643 times

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Table "headlines"

Post by Johannes_B »

The code you posted is oerly complicated and confusing. Why aren't you sticking with the table?
niklasskoldTableDebt.png (30.35 KiB) Viewed 2642 times

Code: Select all


		\bfseries Short-term public debt & \bfseries Long-term public debt

			\tabitem Commercial paper & \tabitem Public bonds and notes\\\addlinespace

			\textbf{Short-term private debt} &\textbf{Long-term private debt} \\
				\tabitem Commercial bank loans 
				\tabitem Trade credit 
				\tabitem N\r{a}nting 
				\tabitem Commercial bank loans 
				\tabitem Private bonds and notes \\
%% CONS, seperated by empty line or 
	\caption{Pros and cons of an IPO}
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