Document ClassesUsing a lot of sections in Goettingen theme from Beamer document class

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Using a lot of sections in Goettingen theme from Beamer document class

Post by etp94 »


I'm using Goettingen theme from Beamer document class, I want to use a lot of sections and subsections, the problem is that when the listing from the right side of the slides (which is provided by the theme) has the page filled, it moves the slide number and slides interactive buttons from the footer of the slides to some place where it is not visible (I think).

I've attached two pictures, in beamer1.png the list has not fill the slide page yet, in beamer2.png it has the listing filled and therefore the problem is presented.

Is there a way in which the listing could scroll down or something?

Thanks for reading! :)
beamer2.png (73.45 KiB) Viewed 7044 times
beamer1.png (74.06 KiB) Viewed 7044 times

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Using a lot of sections in Goettingen theme from Beamer document class

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


Somebody said, subsections in presentations are evil. ;-)

In my opinion, the right side is very crowded and doesn't add real information for the live audience. Who ever reads there, is distracted from the main content. I would focus on the content of the main slide part, and reduce navigation and status information to the very minimum. No need to repeat presentation title and author name on every slide, no need to list other sections than possibly just the name of the section where we currently are. A progress status like a small 12/24 is fine though. Btw. the fancy coloring on the right side doesn't make it more readable or more serious. ;-)

I used the simple and efficient Metropolis theme for my recent presentations:
It's not mathematics, but also math content benefits from a distraction-free big canvas.

Stefan admin
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