Bingo! Silly of me not to have followed that through - I had rendered all that code useless!
Looks great and thank you so much for your time and for being so quick to respond.
Page Layout ⇒ Margin complexities
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:26 pm
Margin complexities
There are claims that a fixed-width font increases the number of mistakes spotted by proof-readers. Not sure to what extent that's been proven, but I've been using fixed width fonts on papers that peers and professors correct and return to me. I think it makes sense particularly when grammar and mechanics are the focus of the proof-reading (papers are to practice a natural language that I'm not fluent in).Stefan Kottwitz wrote:Is a Courier like font really a requirement? Usually such a font is hard to read. In contrast to the past days of the typerwriter machines, we commonly use proportional fonts today. Non-proportional (typewriter) fonts are commonly used for code listings, where character columns and indentation can be important.
And indeed I have the same problem with text running into the right margin. My fix has been to simply make the right margin double that of the left. In that case the body of the text looks symmetric. But there's an artifact: anything that uses \centerline is not really centered (ok, fair enough), but worse: margin notes from the todonotes package overlap.
Your solution fixes these things. But now the title page and other surrounding text is also in a fixed-width font. I tried
Code: Select all
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Margin complexities
Welcome to the forum!
That's because the default family was set to
You can switch back in the macros:
Btw. feel free to start a new topic whenever you want to post a question. That's better than adding to older topics. There's space for millions of topics.
A fresh topic is easier to see.
That's because the default family was set to
.You can switch back in the macros:
Code: Select all
\author{\rmfamily Stefan}
\title{\rmfamily Test}
\date{\rmfamily \today}

Stefan admin
- Posts: 15
- Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:26 pm
Margin complexities
ah, thanks. That's just what I needed!