So I have been wokring with a template for my CV and have been configuring it and moving things around. One of the things I did was to move "languages" and "Computer Skills" into a tabular rather than going into the second page. However the font is not matching the rest of the CV and I have no idea how to fix it - I'm kind of new to all of this
Thank you for posting the code. Can you please post it as a complete document? Of course you can delete all personal information, reduce it to a minimal document. It's only important that it shows the issue, and that we can compile the code. Here is information about the why and the how: minimal working example Posting compilable code is nearly a guarantee to get a solution.
Thanks for the quick reply! I'm a bit unsure of what to actualy post, even after readin what you posted. Should I post a file as an attachment of the whole code? At the moment I have been using overleaf instead of textmaker that I usually use because it wouldn't work with the template for some reason. Also to be noted, I'm not getting an error when compiling I just can't seem to match the font to the rest of the document.
you can post long code as attachment. When writing, there's a link "Attachments" below the text edit field.
If the code is not so long, it can be copied into the text field itself. It would just be good to mark it as code, so it gets syntax highlighting. That's done by marking it, and clicking the Code button above the text edit field.
\reversemarginpar % Move the margin to the left of the page
\hypersetup{colorlinks, breaklinks, urlcolor=Blue, linkcolor=Blue}
\newlength{\datebox}\settowidth{\datebox}{Spring 2011-Su}
\newcommand{\NewEntry}[3]{\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=0 \parbox{\datebox}{\small \textit{#1}}\hspace{0em} #2 #3
\begin{cv}{\spacedallcaps{Niklas Sk\"{o}ld}}\vspace{1.5em}
\noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Personal Information}\vspace{0.5em}
\NewEntry{}{\textit{Born in Sweden,}}{XX Febuary XXXX}
\NewEntry{phone}{(M) +46 (0) XXXXXXXXXX}
\noindent\spacedlowsmallcaps{Work Experience}\vspace{1em}
\NewEntry{Jun-Sept 2016}{Business Operations Intern \textsc{--- Luxembourg}}
\Description{\MarginText{Royal Bank of Canada}Conducted a business impact report following a new EU directive, later used by the department. I was also in charge of configuring their guidelines for on-boarding subscriptions to the funds for which the bank acted as transfer agent. \\
\NewEntry{Jan-Jun 2016}{Project Planning Intern \textsc{ --- Stockholm, Sweden}}
\Description{\MarginText{Ministry of Finance}Was part of a strategy planning group and worked on delivering crisis exercises, stress testing the banking system. Worked closely with Riksgälden, Finansinspektionen and Riksbanken and reported directly to the chief executive. \\ \href{}{}}
\NewEntry{Oct 11'-Dec 15'}{Sales Advisor \textsc{--- Stockholm, Sweden}}
\Description{\MarginText{Sea Life}Worked closely with customers and had contact with suppliers. Offering first class service was of utmost importance. \\ \href{}{}}
\NewEntry{Sept-Dec 2012}{Sales Planning Intern \textsc{} --- C\'{a}diz, Spain}
\Description{\MarginText{Alimentias EMC S.L. }Worked on sales plans for a new product being launched. Used statistical analysis to identify insights and conclusions from complex data. Direct report to the CEO. \\ \href{}{}}
\NewEntry{2016-2017}{Lund University, Lund}
\Description{\MarginText{Masters of Finance}\textit{Specialization: Finance}\ \ $\cdotp$\ \ School of Economics and Management\newline
Description: Masters degree focused on financial economics,financial management and corporate finance.}
\NewEntry{2013-2016}{Lund University, Lund}
\Description{\MarginText{Bachelor of Business Administration and Economics}\textit{Specialization: Economics}\ \ $\cdotp$\ \ School of Economics and Management\newline
Description: This degree focused heavily on finance and statistics combined with macroeconomics.}
\multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\textsc{Computer Skills}}
& \multicolumn{2}{@{}l}{\textit{\textsc{Languages}}}\\
Basic & \textbf{VBA}, \textbf{SQL} & \textsc\textit{{Swedish}} & \textbf{Native} \\
Intermediate & \textbf{\LaTeX}{},\textbf{Eviews} & \textsc{\textit{{English}}} &\textbf{Fluent}\\
Advanced & \textbf{MS Office} & \textsc\textit{{Spanish}} & \textbf{Basic}