I have tried to create a header with 2 lines: the first one 1.5 cm below the top margin, and the second one 4 cm below the top margin. Well, this task I guess I have solved! The problem is the body text of the document. At the first page, it starts in the header, and not below it! This problem, however, does not occur from the second page on. Please take a look at this mwe:
Code: Select all
\fancyhead[L]{\fontsize{8}{9.6}\selectfont \textbf{Text to the left.}}
\fancyhead[R]{\fontsize{8}{9.6}\selectfont \textbf{abc\\[24.44mm] Text to the right.}}
line 1\\
line 2\\
line 3\\
line 4\\
line 5\\
line 6\\
line 7\\
line 8
line 9\\
line 10\\
line 11
line 12\\
line 13\\
line 14
I thank you all in advance.