Initially the file opens, but gives an error back in winedt.
I searched about on the web for this and found the following advice:
I did this, and pdf files open fine. However normally I don't have to close pdf files if I re-compile them, winedt does this for me. Now however when I try this auto closing, the pdf does not close, and I get the following error.
I have tried replacing " acroview" with "AcroviewR10" as before in Acrobat CloseDoc.edt file, but this then causes Acrobat Reader to want to open some sort of security file - see image.
Pressing cancel seems to open up the new pdf file, but this is not an ideal solution!
Does anyone know of the full solution to this (apart from upgrading to winedt 6).
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Sorry about the large image dimensions. Not sure how to make them smaller on this forum.