Curricula Vitae / RésumésTwenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

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Twenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

Post by Apollys » ... s-resumecv

Here is the resume template I am using. In the skills section, I have moved the text inside the bars rather than above, and now I would like to remove the excess vertical spacing between each bar. (I need to conserve space because my list of programming languages is running off the page). Any help would really be appreciated, as I have spent a while trying to figure it out, but my LaTeX knowledge appears to be lacking.


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Re: Twenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

Post by Johannes_B »

You changed the template and describe the changes. How are we supposed to know what you did? Please provide a minimal working example.
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Re: Twenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

Post by Apollys »

The template itself is a minimal working example.

Information about the changes I made is just motivation for the problem. If you don't like it, ignore it. You don't have to know what I did to answer the question.
torbjorn t.
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Twenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

Post by torbjorn t. »

Minimal might not be the right word, all you need to describe your problem is:

Code: Select all

			\foreach [count=\i] \x/\y in {#1}{
				\draw[fill=maingray,maingray] (0,\i) rectangle (6,\i+0.4);
				\draw[fill=white,mainblue](0,\i) rectangle (\y,\i+0.4);
				\node [above right] at (0,\i+0.4) {\x};
\skills{{pursuer of rabbits/5.8},{good manners/4},{outgoing/4.3},{polite/4},{Java/0.01}}
With any modifications you made of course. Anyways, the height/thickness of the bars is, as you probably can see, defined by the number 0.4, so one method would be to increase that number to e.g. 0.9. The distance between the bottom edge of the bars is 1.

But that doesn't help you of course, since you wanted to use less vertical space. So you need to change the y-coordinates. Try replacing all \i with \i*0.5, for example.
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Re: Twenty Seconds Resume/CV - Spacing Question

Post by Apollys »

Nice, that works perfectly.
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