Curricula Vitae / RésumésModerncv - moving footer from 'casual' to classic

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Moderncv - moving footer from 'casual' to classic

Post by slano »


I absolutely love this CV template, but I was just trying to edit it a bit to fit the suggestions that a career counsellor game me. I would like to take the footer from the 'casual' style to the 'classic style *only* keeping the name, phone number, and e-mail address.

I tried to mess around with the .sty files but I got errors each time.

Alternatively, I would like to add the header (the intro part) from 'classic' to 'casual'.

If anyone knows how to do this, that would be of great help.

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Re: Moderncv - moving footer from 'casual' to classic

Post by slano »

I hope people have understood me. If not, please ask and I'll try to make myself clear.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Moderncv - moving footer from 'casual' to classic

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


it's always good to post code that you tried and error message you got.
The question may be understandable, without code it's just a question who has enough time here, and all information and code makes life easier and quicker. ;-)

Stefan admin
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