Page LayoutEach title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

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Each title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

Post by manuavazquez »


I'm trying to get titlesec to put the title of each chapter, section and subsection in a different page. Right now, I'm close, but there are two problems:

- titles show up twice in the index
- the index also is affected by the settings and its title is in a different page

Any help would be appreciated.


Code: Select all

% !TeX spellcheck = es_ES



[\newpage] % creates the new page














		Mr. Foo






\chapter{Chapter Title}

\section{Section Title}

\subsection{Subsection Title}


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Each title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

Post by Johannes_B »

I guess the index is the table of contents. You can avoid it being affected by defining the layout after calling the toc. I cannot reproduce that the entries are twice in there.

Code: Select all

% !TeX spellcheck = es_ES













\Large Mr. Foo




[\newpage] % creates the new page





\chapter{Chapter Title}

\section{Section Title}

\subsection{Subsection Title}


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Re: Each title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

Post by manuavazquez »

Thank you! That solves the index title issue. However, I still get duplicated entries for "Section title", one with a label and another one without it, something like this

1. Chapter Title
1.A. Section Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Section Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.A.1. Subsection Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Quite weird :?
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Each title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

Post by Johannes_B »

I can reproduce the behaviour by clicking on Open in Online-editor with the above code block.
Make an update of package titlesec.
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Re: Each title on a separate page of its own with titlesec

Post by manuavazquez »

That did the trick!!

Thank you so much.
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