New MembersPrivate teacher & looking for LaTex consultant!

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Private teacher & looking for LaTex consultant!

Post by RaxAdaam »

Hello all!

I teach university-level math for a living. I like to make comprehensive notes for my students so they can focus on understanding instead of copying; however, I now have such a large bank of notes that I am finding it unwieldy to manage everything and think it is time to take my knowledge of LaTex to the next level.

Because of time constraints, I was hoping to find someone who could work as a consultant to help me restructure my template and my folder organization so as to optimize the way I generate new notes. In particular, I'm interested in:

- general best practices for structuring docs;
- effective creation, maintenance and updating of templates;
- effective structure for managing questions / solutions / answers across multiple notes sets (i.e. being able to store Q/A/S in a file and call on the question and toggle reveal of answer / solution, as well as controlling where they are shown (e.g. below question, bottom of page, end of doc etc);
- creating units which can be called upon by other documents so that an update to a single file will push the update to all documents which use that unit (e.g. a section on vector geometry which is used both in a linear algebra class as well as a multivariable calculus class);
- creating a functional global-figure folder (vs. having to duplicate figures to the doc folder);

and perhaps a few other small goals.

I was pointed to this site from the & am also open to source recommendations: but I am most interested in connecting with someone who could offer some 1:1 support / direction.

Very much looking forward to being a member of this community!

All the best,


Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Private teacher & looking for LaTex consultant!

Post by Johannes_B »

From the top of my head, i would say Troubleshooting TeX and Tobias Weh can help you with your project. Others are available as well.

Out of interest, can you link the question that got you here?
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: Private teacher & looking for LaTex consultant!

Post by RaxAdaam »

Johannes_B - those both look like great resources for getting started, thank you kindly for taking the time to share them with me. Re: sx post - it was not one of my own; rather, it was a closed question about finding private help and someone in the comments suggested this community as a starting point. I did not save it, but can try to locate it again if that would be valuable to you. All the best, RA
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