Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ changing fonts in Plasmanti Graduate CV
changing fonts in Plasmanti Graduate CV
The the formatting of this CV is really great, but I would like to change the font that is used. The line: \setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin} is used for setting the font, but if I change the line to: \setmainfont[BoldFont = FdSymbol-Bold.otf]{FdSymbol-Regular.otf} all of the text in the document disappears and only shows the horizontal and vertical lines throughout the document
Re: changing fonts in Plasmanti Graduate CV
What should I do to get a different font to be viewed?
changing fonts in Plasmanti Graduate CV
The fonts are referred to by fontname rather than filename. So enter the fontname instead.