Page LayoutLarge Bibliography Header

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Large Bibliography Header

Post by slickerthnu »

Hello all. I have an unreasonably larger header before my Bib page. I needed to use \begin{thebibliography} in order to manually change some of my citations. Attached are two screen shots showing the large header on the bib page and the start of my code. I have written the code in the .tex file of my thesis which is separate from all of the main sections which I have inserted as manuscripts. I need to keep the formatting and design the same with the bibliography but I need the header to be 1 inch and not the current 4-6 inches. There is a half page showing bib before the bib section as well. I have tried several different things and nothing seems to work. There are some help sections which seem to work but they change the format and design of the entire thesis which doesn't fit our library requirements. Thanks in advance for the assistance.

bib pic.png
bib pic.png (39.79 KiB) Viewed 4258 times
code.png (71.85 KiB) Viewed 4258 times
Last edited by cgnieder on Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Large Bibliography Header

Post by Johannes_B »

Welcome, please post minimal working example so we can reproduce your issue based on your code and get a personalized slution for you.
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Re: Large Bibliography Header

Post by slickerthnu »

That is a bit difficult. The packages that I am using call for a .cls file and .sty file. The smallest working size includes these two files. I can post the code for all 3, including the .tex, the .cls and the .sty but it still isn't very small.
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Large Bibliography Header

Post by slickerthnu »

Well, the good news is that by trying to simplify the code to provide a minimal example, I was able to find the culprit and fix the size of the header. Bad news is that I still couldn't make a minimal code example. Here is the culprit, it was originally 0.625in and I commented it out to get about a 1 inch header.

Code: Select all

\renewcommand{\@makeschapterhead}[1]{{	% put the chapter* head in the doc
	%\vspace*{0.625in}			% like \@makechapterhead above
        {\bfseries\centering\MakeUppercase{#1}\\}	% chapter name in upper case
}}% end @makeschapterhead
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Re: Large Bibliography Header

Post by Johannes_B »

Seeing something strange or unwanted, preparing a minimal working example always gets to an obvious point. It may not be easy to fix, and it may have been a while to prepare it, but it gives helpers the stuff they need to fix it. And often, there is no need for help from others, if you see the obvious reason.

Glad to know your problem is solved.

PS: You could have uploaded a zip containing the files (if you are allowed to distribute them).
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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