I don't event know what should it be

I know I would like to use something like this \format{0.00016493240} and get the output like 1.649324\cdot10^{-4}.
Is there something I could use?
There are several packages providing such functionality. Take a look at numprint, siunitx and pgf/TikZ and see if any of them suits your needs. PGF even comes with math engine, so you can use it for some simple calculations.one_eddie wrote:I know I would like to use something like this \format{0.00016493240} and get the output like 1.649324\cdot10^{-4}.
Is there something I could use?
Code: Select all
\newcommand{\format}[2][5]{% format #2 rounding the mantissa to #1 digits (5 by default)
\FPifpos\ExpX% #2 is a number >=1
\else% #2 is a number between 0 and 1
\num[expproduct=cdot]{\MantX e\ExpX}}
\newcommand{\printexample}[1]{\num{#1} = \format{#1}\par}