New MembersGreetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

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Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Post by pryan »

Hi folks,

I am a new member to the community and am wondering how frequent folks participate on this forum? Some of the posts are quite dated.

I posted a topic in the TeX Live category as I'm having issues with the "unpacking". Just wondering if I can expect anyone to respond soon, or if its hit or miss :-)

At any rate, its been 25 years since I've used LaTeX (university days) but I'm eager to get back into it, using it for documentation on a current project.


Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Paul,

welcome to the forum!
pryan wrote:I [...] am wondering how frequent folks participate on this forum? Some of the posts are quite dated.
Some of us are here many times every day, some visit every few days. Visible activity doesn't depend only on visits of the core users, but on incoming users who may have got a question or want to fix a problem. Today much is fixed by googling and reading older stuff. If that doesn't help, people may post their question here.

I'm looking at the Active topics link to see activity, so I don't miss a new post in any subforum. So, don't worry if you write into a rather quiet subforum. Btw,. on the same Active topics list you can see that most questions are answered.

The list of the last 7 days shows 20 topics with 34 posts, so there's life. Though it was more in earlier days. Yes, first posts (of currently 85.778 posts in 21.917 topics) date back to 2007, this forum has a long history.

I saw your TeX Live installation question, just did not have a spontaneous idea and waited for Johannes, our most active helper. :-)

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Re: Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Post by Johannes_B »

First of all, welcome.

We are currently a bit short on helpers. :-(

I saw your question as well, and since i don't have any experience with Wondows and can't spontaneously run a VM i waited for Stefan to jump in.

Same with TikZ, i can't answer those and wait for Stefan or Rainer.
Same with LyX, i can't answer those and wait for Scott.

Of course, any other huma being can answer questions here and help out. :-)
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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Re: Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Post by pryan »

Thanks for you replies ... I spun up an Ubuntu VM just this morning and am in the process of installing on TeX Live. It is still just crawling along but it has gotten further than I have before (currently installing 570/3286 packages).

Will update with its progress later.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Greetings from Nova Scotia, Canada

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Good luck!

I'm doing the same right now, installing TeX Live 2016 on Ubuntu. It will take 2 or 3 hours with my not so fast Internet connection. I had to restart too, when it stopped, but it continued with the same settings. It seemed to load again all packages from number 1 on, but much faster, I think it's testing but not downloading twice.

The reason for me to update to the 2016 version is just that I want to test the dvisvgm driver for directly producing SVG from TeX (TikZ). That's because I draw network diagrams with TeX that I'd like to import in Visio later (for my Boss who doesn't use TeX).

If you are interested what we can do with LaTeX today:
Just a few days ago I was in your country, Canada, to make these presentations.

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