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Illegal parameter number in definition of . to be read again

Post by Renthal »

Downloading and compiling the Friggeri-CV I get the following error:

Code: Select all

! Illegal parameter number in definition of \blx@defformat@d.<to be read again>3 \ifblank{#3
! Illegal parameter number in definition of \blx@defformat@d.<to be read again>3 \ifblank{#3}{}{#3
Condiering that I have a fresh up-to-date installation (I made sure to install latest MikTek version 2.9.6022 and just to be sure, I installed last version of ALL packages) I am quite confident the problem relies in the class definition.

The problem clearly is located in the bibliography because if I remove it everything works fine. However, biber compiles successfully is Xelatex that fails.
Specifically as I understand ( I am no latex expert ) there is a problem with the most recent update of Bibtek (see ... ameformat/) but I am not capable of correcting it myself.

Can someone help me please?

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Illegal parameter number in definition of . to be read again

Post by Johannes_B »


the issue is known, ... 62&t=27239, but unfortunately nobody has updated the template yet.

The bibliography section was outdated a while, and finally broke completely. Getting everything up to date is quite a big amount of work.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Workaround: Rename the class file to be friggeri-<yourName>.cls and remove all parts that belong to the bibliography. Then load package biblatex as you would do in a usual document. It will look a tiny bit different, but it will work.
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Illegal parameter number in definition of . to be read again

Post by Renthal »

Thank you for the quick answer, I saw the other topic but the "solution" provided there is not working.

I am now trying to do what you suggested for a workaround. Removoing everything related to biblio was easy, but now I do not know how to make the bliob fit there (under publications) without creating a new chapter and messing with the template. I am using:

Code: Select all

But i get:

Code: Select all

! Argument of \@sectioncolor has an extra }.<inserted text>\par \begin{thebibliography}{FCF{\etalchar{+}}11i}
! Paragraph ended before \@sectioncolor was complete.<to be read again>\par \begin{thebibliography}{FCF{\etalchar{+}}11i}
I don't care too much about the look, is there any simple solution ot make it work?
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Re: Friggeri CV - bibtex update

Post by Johannes_B »

Now you would be using the older BibTeX system instead of the more modern (and changing) biblatex system, which shouldn't be a problem. But it is :-(
Honestly, the template does some crazy stuff.

I will have to take a look at this tomorrow.

EDIT: If you have time till next week, i can apply a proper fix over the weekend and push it to
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Re: Illegal parameter number in definition of . to be read a

Post by Pierrick »

Hi everyone!
Does anybody already fix the problem ? I am using the template and did an update of MiKTeX yesterday and my CV doesn't compile anymore although I don't us (as far as I know) the bibliography. I tried to comment out everything that is related to the bibliography but then it didn't work neither.
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Illegal parameter number in definition of . to be read again

Post by Johannes_B »

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