I've fiddled around with Stefan's code a bit...
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\newif\ifRgoesF% reads: if result goes first
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Op}{random(0,3)}% kind of operation + - * /
\pgfmathsetmacro{\Le}{random(0,2)}% which part to leave out
\ifnum\Op > 1
\pgfmathsetmacro{\C}{int(\A*\B)}% multiplication (or division)
\pgfmathsetmacro{\C}{int(\A+\B)}% addition (or substraction)
\ifcase \Op
\RgoesFfalse % \A + \B = \C
\RgoesFtrue % \C - \B = \A
\RgoesFfalse % \A * \B = \C
\RgoesFtrue % \C / \B = \A
\typeout{This should not have happened...don't know operation `\Op'}%
\ifcase \Le
\PlaceHolder \MyOp \B = \ifRgoesF\A\else\C\fi
\C \MyOp \PlaceHolder = \A
\A \MyOp \PlaceHolder = \C
\ifRgoesF\C\else\A\fi \MyOp \B = \PlaceHolder
? ?? ??? = ????
\foreach \Lp in {1,...,#1}{%
The basic idea behind it is to calculate the result, say, of a multiplication, before converting this into a division to ensure the result of this division being an integer value.
Of course, I didn't catch `division by zero' yet (nor am I sure if I should). Consider \B randomly set to zero: the result (\C) of a multiplication will be set to zero, too, but in case of a division, you might get 0/0=__ or 0/__=(whatever \A was set to).
Then again, it might be interesting to see if your students can make any sense of one of those, as well.