Presentations and Posters\cline command in a colored table

Beamer, Powerdot and KOMA-Script presentations, Conference posters (a0poster, baposter, tikzposter)
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\cline command in a colored table

Post by NELLLY »

I need to insert a colored tab in my beamer presentation. When I use the command \cline{2-3} in the following code, the white line separating the second and third column of the table does'nt appear. I tried also to use instead the command \hhline{~|-||-|} but also it doesn't work. What shoud I do?

Code: Select all

  \usepackage{marvosym} %
 \usepackage{hyperref} %
 \usepackage{transparent} %
  \usepackage{ragged2e, siunitx, xcolor}
  \usepackage{adjustbox, amsmath,booktabs}
 % \usepackage{enumitem}

% \apptocmd{\frame}{\justifying}{}{}
  \hyphenpenalty 10000
  \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]


    \caption{Level planning of the input parameters}
    \cellcolor{Blue} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{\cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}Level}}\\ \cline{2-3}
      \cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}Model parameter}&\cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}Low}&\cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}High}\\\hline
     \rowcolor{cyan!20}$A$&0.03&0.08 \\\hline



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\cline command in a colored table

Post by Johannes_B »

Personally, i think that coloured tables are pretty awkward. Especially with beamer, there are things that make it even more complicated to get a suitable ouotput. Honestly, i didn't manage to find a way to achieve what you want in reasonable time. So, following just the very standard table, that still needs fixing with beamer :-(

Code: Select all

\usepackage{booktabs} %
%\usepackage{marvosym} %
%\usepackage{hyperref} %
%\usepackage{transparent} %
%\usepackage{ragged2e, siunitx,}
%\usepackage{adjustbox, amsmath,booktabs}
 % \usepackage{enumitem}

     % \apptocmd{\frame}{\justifying}{}{}
%     \let\olditem\item
%     \renewcommand\item{\olditem\justifying}
%     \usepackage[english]{babel}
%     \hyphenpenalty 10000
%     \justifying
     \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

{\arrayrulewidth\hfill}% search
{\arrayrulewidth\hfill\kern\z@}% replace
{}% success
{\errmessage{Patching \string\@cline\space failed}}% failure

     \caption{Level planning of the input parameters}
     \cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}Model parameter}&\cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}Low}&\cellcolor{Blue}{\color{white}High}\\\hline

     \rowcolor{cyan!20}$A$&0.03&0.08 \\\hline



     \caption{Level planning of the input parameters}

	     Model parameter & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Level} \\
	                     & Low      & High \\
     $A$               & 0.03     & 0.08 \\
     $B$               & 0.5      & 1\\

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