The file was created using the custom-bib package and uses the natbib bibliography package. To use simply import the natbib package:
and to print the bibliography and set the citation style:
The journal uses author, year citation style, using "et al" for more than 2 authors. Sample in-text citation:
Paragraph text about something (Smith, 2016; Anderson et al., 2015).
The bibliography style capitalizes author names and uses first initials. Bibliography is listed in alphabetical order. A couple examples for journal article references:
ANDERSON, B., SMITH, J., JOHNSON, A. (2015) Another Journal Article, Another Journal Name 20, 214-216
SMITH, J. (2016). Name of the Journal Article, Journal Name 50, 1-4.
This my first post to the forum, so I hope this post is in the right location to help others.