Page LayoutMargin adjustments

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Margin adjustments

Post by mattvijen »


I am using a style called classicthesis (see attachment). The package was downloaded from and works pretty well.

The widths of the left and right margins are not the same - and that is all right. However, the wide margin shifts from being on the left side of the page to being on the right side of the page by turns.

I would like the wide margin to stay on the left side of all pages. Do you know what adjustments I have to make to the attached style to make this happen?

Thanks in advance!
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Margin adjustments

Post by Johannes_B »

You seem to are using a document in twoside mode. That is printing pages on both sides. What you seem to want is a oneside document.
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Re: Margin adjustments

Post by mattvijen »

All right, and how do I change that ? I am using LyX since I am not good at LaTex at all, so I really have no idea about what changes need to be made
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Margin adjustments

Post by Johannes_B »

I am never sure what classicthesis is doing and how it is doing, especially since there are different templates available, even one for LyX. I am not a LyX user, it is too confusing and time consuming for me.

Add to the global options of your document: twoside. How you can do that, i cannot know, since i don't know how you set up your document.
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Margin adjustments

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Go to the LyX menu, to Document, Choose Settings, then Document class. There you will find Custom class options. Take out the twoside option in that list, or replace it by oneside.

Stefan admin
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