Templates, Wizards & ToolsCode completion doesn't work properly

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Code completion doesn't work properly

Post by OA-Uwe »

Correct me if I'm wrong:
I type "

Code: Select all

", get the code completion, press CTRL+SPACE, and the rest of the code appears. Right? Wrong!
TXC starts at the cursor position, kills "cen" and writes the whole snippet AGAIN thus producing something like

Code: Select all

And yes, I start at a new line and use the latest version (the older version does the same).

HELP!!! :cry:

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Post by OA-Uwe »

Got the solution from the German Online Group:

TXC isn't interested in the whole term (e.g. \begin{cen) but only the "cen" part. Thus it only replaces that part and writes the whole term \begin...\end...

That means you only have to write "cen" to get the code hint.

Things to learn ...
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