BibTeX, biblatex and biberSeperate bibliography into books only, articles only, etc.

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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Seperate bibliography into books only, articles only, etc.

Post by Johannes_B »

The database should just contain content information, no formatting information.
Some things have to be dealt with, for example ampersands or underscores, which are special for LaTeX. But a formatting command like textsc to make small caps (most of your stuff is in uppercase, which is not only ugly and kinda formatting information, but also makes using textsc pretty pointless) will distract biber. Biber tries (quite good) to split the names in its parts, so you can decide how your names are printed in the document. For example, you can decide that the first author has the family name gien first and all other authors have the given name first. Well, acually that would be the default for most styles, so you probably would want something different.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.

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Re: Seperate bibliography into books only, articles only, et

Post by Colin93 »

I see... When I took those commands off everything worked ! I still have 2 references missing but that's my Biber version problem so...

Many thanks !

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