Graphics, Figures & TablesChessboard package text size

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Chessboard package text size

Post by ghuczek »

How can I make the text numbers in this diagram smaller in the MWE shown?

Code: Select all

\documentclass[a4paper, twocolumn,]{memoir}
\usepackage[paperwidth=6.50in, paperheight=9.375in, bindingoffset=.75in] {geometry}




	\setchessboard{showmover=false, clearboard,fontsize=14pt,labelbottom=false, labelleft=false}
	\chessboard[pgfstyle= {[base,at={\pgfpoint{0pt}{-0.7ex}}]text},color=black, opacity=0.8,
	text= \fontsize{0.8ex}{0.8ex}, 
	text = 39, markregions={b1-b1},
	text = 40, markregions={d2-d2},
	text = 41, markregions={f3-f3},
	text = 42, markregions={e1-e1},
	text = 43, markregions={g2-g2},
	text = 44, markregions={h4-h4},
	text = 45, markregions={f5-f5},
	text = 46, markregions={h6-h6},
	text = 47, markregions={g8-g8},
	text = 48, markregions={e7-e7},
	text = 49, markregions={c8-c8},
	text = 50, markregions={a7-a7}] 


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Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:09 pm

Re: Chessboard package text size

Post by ghuczek »

Can anyone come up with a way to do this?
Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:09 pm

Re: Chessboard package text size

Post by ghuczek »

The numbers in the chess board represent the move number of a chess knight, as it makes its way around the board, visiting each square only once. It is a re-entrant knight's tour, meaning that the knight lands on the original square it started on after all other squares have been visited. In the partially completed example I have shown, on its 39th move, the knight lands on square b1, which is the square White's queenside knight occupies at the start of a chess game.

It is a Hamiltonian cycle problem in computer programming.

If the numbers can not be made smaller using the chessboard package, could someone suggest an alternative way of drawing this diagram some other way with Latex, so that the numbers shown inside the squares are smaller?
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