
Information and discussion about WinEdt, a commercial integrated LaTeX environment for Windows
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Post by smota »

Hi all,
I have problem with the coding of a .tex file created in Slovakian language. I did not create this file and it was created on different computer, so I have not information about the initial settings. If I open it in WinEdt, a lot of confusing characters appear there instead of the original text, nevertheless, the translation into .pdf file works correctly and the resulting .pdf file is OK. On the other hand, if I make any changes in the .tex file, these changes are translated without the characters with diacritical signs. With the help of Document Settings, I changed the original ANSI coding into UTF-8. As the result, my changes are translated correctly, but the original text is translated improperly. Does exist any way, how to translate ALL the text without any mistakes? I tried to choose all the possible options in Document Settings without any success.

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Post by Johannes_B »

Set WinEdt to use utf8 encoding.

Open the old file with notepad or any other plain text editor, open a new tex-file in WinEdt. Now copy and paste all content from the old file to the new file, save.

Change the \usepackage[<option>]{inputenc} line to have utf8 as the option. Now it should work, with old and new content.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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